Diction is one of Ms. Fassbender's very favorite literary devices. Diction can be defined essentially as word choice. The effects of this word choice, if there are any, are what diction is measured in. For instance, carefully chosen, descriptive words can lend mood to a scary story, or humor to a comedy. Diction can also give you implied information on the background of a character or the setting, especially through dialogue. I typically have a difficult time identifying diction unless told to look for it specifically. The way I see it, if diction is word choice, then the entirety of whatever I am reading has had its words chosen carefully. Therefore, every character on every page is diction, which makes its isolation irrelevant, obsolete, and superflous

1/21/2013 01:11:33 pm

You should have talked about why you think that "diction" is Ms. Fassbender's favorite.

1/21/2013 01:12:20 pm

sorry, i meant dick-tion

1/28/2013 11:05:51 pm

I also find it hard to locate diction in pieces of writing, unless it is set in a foreign setting. The words used to describe how people look, where they live or how they interact are specific to different cultures, and are then easier to locate.


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