Quote: "After much thought Snowball declared that the Seven Commandments could in effect be reduced into a single maxim, namely '4 legs good, 2 legs bad.'" (40)

This is said when the animals are in the process of learning to read. Many of the animals are good at it, but choose to read only the Seven Commandments, but some are completely hopeless and stupid, such as the sheep.

This quote was chosen for the symbolism permeating the entire situation. 
Analysis: Masses of people blindly following and repeating the words of a leader are often called "sheep" by other people, so it is a strange sort of reverse symbolism that causes the sheep to represent the human "sheep" that require the ideas that they claim to believe in to be dumbed down into a format so simplistic that it loses its meaning entirely. The maxim represents political slogans that are not always accurate but are typically catchy; they

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