At their first meeting, Winston remarks about his surprise that Julia has sex and shops at the black market, since she wears her Junior Anti-Sex League sash all of the time. She reveals that she is very active in the league, advising "Always yell with the crowd, that's what I say, It's the only way to be safe." (122) 

Quote: This quote sums up Julia's character. While Julia is a personal pet peeve of mine while reading the story, she does serve a dual purpose as an outlet for Winston's pent up humanity, and as a holder of the other type of "unorthodox" person. This is the type that is not mentally rebellious, but physically, spiritually, youthfully rebellious. The maxim in this quote is an insight into how control over millions of people is possible. If you force people who wish to rebel to outwardly conform for safety, it is likely that that conformity will begin to creep inwards. Winston finds the ideals of the Party fundamentally horrendous, illogical, and immoral. Julia doesn't give a damn about the Party's politics, she is concerned with surviving while still having sex, eating food, and having fun. To juxtapose Winston and Julia through a relationship helps to show how the two mindsets are incompatible. If you are conscious of the injustices that the Party conducts, if you feel that history is objective, you cannot have happiness. If you want to be happy, you have to ignore what the Party forces you to think, or even accept it.  

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